aufmerksam, glaubhaft

Prayer about the garden of my life: „With both hands“

Throughout the years I’ve written some prayers and poems, which I translate over the months one by one into english. Hoping, that some sister oder brother in Christ around the world may find the right thought in the right moment. You can use my prayers by referring to me in your smallgroups, services or devotions. Please use them only in a private, non commercial manner, thank you.
God bless you!

With both hands

With both hands
I’m in a box full of seed bags.
Glossy pictures on the front,
immaculate blossoms, lush fruits
– which promises do I believe?
What do I want to sow, cultivate, harvest?
What do I want to grow and bloom in my everyday life?

With both hands
I dig in the weeds.
Everything is matted, overgrown, full of poisonous roots.
How am I supposed to get through here?
How do I contain the infestation?
I grab, rip, dig –
more and more offshoots of noxious weeds
I pull out of the underground:
Decisions of my ego, impatience, arrogance, whims.
Will the misery ever end?

With both hands
I spread compost, mix in fertilizer,
I pick out stones.
Muddy fingers struggle with the seed bags,
until the paper tears
and I gently brush the small grains
into the open, lush soil.
Hope germinates – perhaps success is possible?

With both hands
I drag the watering can full to the brim,
which bangs against my knees,
until I reach the bed.
Slowly I let the water splash onto the seeds,
so that they find a foothold in the soil and begin to grow.

With both hands
I lay my trials before Jesus.
Will you bless it?
Will you give healing and growth?
Will you help me to disempower vicious weeds
And pull them from my heart?
Will you warn me of hailstorms
and guide me through the chaos?
I am there, he whispers.



aufmerksam, glaubhaft

Prayer „Sacred Ground“ for Devotion, Smallgroup and Service

Sitting on the balcony and reading, I suddenly observe a ladybug on a nearby plant. Downstairs at the yard is the laundry of some neighbours hanging, and the Golden Retriever from the teacher downstairs rolls happily on the grass and rubbs his back in a patch of moss. It`s his favourite spot, even though I never managed to unterstand why this patch of moss is different (and obviously better) of all the others. This seems like everyday life, nothing spectacular – but indeed, it`s sacred ground:

Sacred ground

Pause, my soul,
the ground on which you stand is holy.
God is here – invisible and inaudible,
but all the more powerful.
He surrounds you.

Stop, my soul,
where are you rushing to?
Everything you need is here.
You are standing on holy ground,
God is waiting right beside you.
Where are you running to?

Hold on, my soul,
God is in the background making changes.
He has everything in hand,
even if you still lack the perspective.
You are standing on holy ground, no matter,
what the apparent reality may be.

Pause, my soul.
Stop, here in his presence.
Hold on, for he will carry you to your destination.


I would be very happy if you use and share my prayers in your family, smallgroup or service. Please refer to me and use them only in a private, non commercial manner, thank you.

aufmerksam, glaubhaft

Prayer „On the way with eachother“ for smallgroups and services

I’m always happy and grateful, when the Holy Spirit touches my heart and donates a new poem or prayer to me. When this happens, I need immediately a pen and a scrap of paper to write it down. It feels, as if an ocean wave rolls over me and washes my soul in the new message, which I only need to write down.

So it’s my deep wish to translate my prayers, because only very few people worldwide speak (and like…) german. I would be very happy if you use and share my prayers in your family, smallgroup or service. Please refer to me and use them only in a private, non commercial manner, thank you.


On the way with each other

Open my eyes, God
that I may see your footsteps
before me.

Open my ears, God,
that I may hear your voice
in the whisper of the wind.

Open my mouth, God,
that I may ask for you in everyday life.

Open my mind, God,
that I may engage your perspective.

Open my heart, God,
so that I may accompany others along the way.

Open my hands, God,
that I may grasp unexpected opportunities.

Open the knot of worry, God,
so that I may walk each day with confidence.
